Eucalyptus acies (Woolbernup Mallee)

Flowers of Eucalyptus acies on Mount Manypeaks, Western Australia
Photograph by P. Ollerenshaw. Some rights reserved. (view image details)

Eucalyptus acies on Mount Manypeaks, Western Australia
Photograph by P. Ollerenshaw. Some rights reserved.
Credits: Description, Habitat and Distribution information is sourced from: G.M.Chippendale (2017) Eucalyptus acies. In: Flora of Australia. Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of the Environment and Energy, Canberra. Licensed under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license.

Map is from The Atlas of Living Australia web site, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License Common Name Woolbernup Mallee
Description Mallee to 2.5 m. Bark grey. Juvenile leaves opposite, subsessile, oblong-elliptic, concolorous. Adult leaves opposite or subopposite, lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, acuminate, broadly cuneate, coriaceous; lamina 9-15 cm long, 2-3.5 cm wide, green or yellow-green; lateral veins just visible, at 40° -50° ; intramarginal vein up to 2 mm from margin; petiole flattened, 15-30 mm long. Umbels 7-flowered; peduncles flattened or angular, widening upwards, usually reflexed, 13-26 mm long; pedicels flattened, 5-8 mm long. Buds clavate or shortly fusiform; operculum conical to hemispherical, smooth or shallowly ribbed, 3-5 mm long, 7-9 mm wide; hypanthium obconical, prominently ribbed, 5-8 mm long, 8-10 mm wide. Fruits hemispherical or campanulate, 10-15 mm long, 12-16 mm wide; disc broad, level with rim or slightly convex; valves 3 or 4, level. Seeds angular, slightly winged, grey-black or brown-black.
Habitat Grows in low shrubland and heathland.
Distribution Occurs on quartzite hills of the Fizgerald River Natl Park and near Cheyne Beach, W.A.
Class: | Magnoliopsida | Order: | Myrtales | Family: | Myrtaceae | Genus: | Eucalyptus | Species: | acies | Common Name: | Woolbernup Mallee |
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