
Map is from The Atlas of Living Australia web site, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License Common Name Striped Sun Orchid
Other Names Veined Sun-orchid, Swamp Sun Orchid
Description The Striped Sun Orchid grows in colonies on damp soil in suitable habitat. The leaf grows to 25 cm long and may be moew than 5cm. The flowers grow in cluster of up to six, and each individual flower is up to 3 cm across, coloured blue or purple with darker stripes along veins. The main flowering period is in summer from December to January.
Habitat grows in swamps or damp soil on grasslands
Distribution found in eastern New South Wale, eastern Victoria and Tasmania. Also found in New Zealand
Growth Characteristics Height: grows to 50 cm tall
Class: | Liliopsida | Order: | Asparagales | Family: | Orchidaceae | Genus: | Thelymitra | Species: | cyanea | Common Name: | Striped Sun Orchid |
Relatives in same Genus Thelymitra crinita Thelymitra ixioides Thelymitra macrophylla Thelymitra pauciflora Thelymitra rubra