
Map is from The Atlas of Living Australia web site, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License Common Name Pink Bloodwood
Description Tree to 30 m with a long, straight trunk. Bark tessellated, light grey or light brown throughout. Juvenile leaves opposite, then alternate, petiolate, broadly lanceolate, sometimes peltate, setose but becoming glabrous. Adult leaves alternate, lanceolate or broadly lanceolate, acuminate; lamina 9-16 cm long, 1.5-3 cm wide, shining, dark green, discolorous; lateral veins faint, at 60° -70° ; intramarginal vein confluent with margin; petiole channelled or terete, 8-20 mm long. Umbels 7-flowered; peduncle terete or slightly angular, 10-18 mm long; pedicels 2-14 mm long. Buds pyriform to obovoid; operculum conical, 2-4 mm long, 4-6 mm wide; hypanthium truncate-pyriform, 5-9 mm long, 4-7 mm wide. Fruits urceolate or ovoid, 11-21 mm long, 8-16 mm wide. Seeds winged, yellow-brown to red-brown.
Habitat Grows in open coastal forest or scattered in closed forest.
Distribution Occurs in eastern Qld from near Cooktown southwards, including coastal islands, to north-eastern N.S.W. as far S as Raymond Terrace.
Class: | Magnoliopsida | Order: | Myrtales | Family: | Myrtaceae | Genus: | Corymbia | Species: | intermedia | Common Name: | Pink Bloodwood |
Relatives in same Genus Corymbia aparrerinja Corymbia citriodora Corymbia gummifera Corymbia maculata Corymbia ptychocarpa Corymbia setosa Corymbia terminalis Corymbia tessellaris Corymbia torelliana Corymbia 'Summer Red'