Eucalyptus bancroftii (Orange Gum)

Eucalyptus bancroftii foliage and flowers in the Australian National Botanic Garden
Photograph by Murray Fagg. Some rights reserved. (view image details)

Eucalyptus bancroftii at Moonbi New South Wales
Photograph by Ian Brooker and David Kleinig. Some rights reserved. (view image details)
Credits: Description, Habitat and Distribution information is sourced from: G.M.Chippendale (2017) Eucalyptus bancroftii. In: Flora of Australia. Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of the Environment and Energy, Canberra. Licensed under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license.

Map is from The Atlas of Living Australia web site, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License Common Name Orange Gum
Other Names Bancroft’s Red Gum
Description Tree to 30 m. Bark smooth throughout, pink or orange to grey-brown. Juvenile leaves ovate, green, discolorous. Adult leaves lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, acute, thick; lamina 7.5-20 cm long, 1.5-4 cm wide, green; lateral veins at 30° -60° ; intramarginal vein up to 2 mm from margin; petiole terete or channelled, 12-25 mm long. Umbels 7-flowered; peduncle angular, 5-20 mm long; pedicels 2-5 mm long. Buds cylindrical; operculum cylindrical, 7-12 mm long, 4-5 mm wide; hypanthium hemispherical, 3-4 mm long, 4-6 mm wide. Fruits hemispherical to subglobular, often angular or ribbed, 5-9 mm long and wide; disc broad, convex; valves 3 or 4. Seeds red-brown.
Habitat Grows in flat and gently sloping country, sometimes in drainage channels, and on rock outcrops on tablelands, often as scattered trees in open forest, sometimes dominant in small areas.
Distribution Occurs from near Noonooroo, southeastern Qld, S to Maitland, N.S.W., predominantly in coastal areas but extending to adjacent tablelands.
Class: | Magnoliopsida | Order: | Myrtales | Family: | Myrtaceae | Genus: | Eucalyptus | Species: | bancroftii | Common Name: | Orange Gum |
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