
Map is from The Atlas of Living Australia web site, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License Common Name Narrow-leaved Red Ironbark
Description The Narrow-leaved Red Ironbark is a tree to 30 m. Bark rough throughout, dark grey to black. Juvenile leaves linear to narrowly lanceolate, green or grey-green, slightly discolorous. Adult leaves narrowly lanceolate to lanceolate, acuminate; lamina 6.5-15 cm long, 1-1.7 cm wide, dull, green or grey-green; lateral veins faint, at 30° -45° ; intramarginal vein up to 1 mm from margin; petiole 10-15 mm long. Conflorescence terminal, paniculate; umbels 7-11-flowered; peduncle terete to quadrangular, 4-12 mm long; pedicels 1-6 mm long, with angles sometimes continuous as ribs on hypanthium. Buds clavate or fusiform; operculum conical to hemispherical, 2-3 mm long, c. 3 mm wide; hypanthium hemispherical to obovoid, 2-3 mm long, c. 3 mm wide. Fruits hemispherical or ovoid, 4-7 mm long, 4-6 mm wide; disc narrow, level or descending; valves 3 or 4, ±level to included.
Habitat Grows in sand, sandy loam and clay-loam on plains and low plateaus, in woodland and open woodland.
Distribution Occurs widely from central Cape York Peninsula, Qld, south to near Yerranderie, S of Sydney, N.S.W.
Growth Characteristics Height: 20m - 35m Spread: 10m - 15m
Class: | Magnoliopsida | Order: | Myrtales | Family: | Myrtaceae | Genus: | Eucalyptus | Species: | crebra | Common Name: | Narrow-leaved Red Ironbark |
Relatives in same Genus Eucalyptus acaciiformis Eucalyptus accedens Eucalyptus acies Eucalyptus albens Eucalyptus bancroftii Eucalyptus baxteri Eucalyptus caleyi Eucalyptus camaldulensis Eucalyptus camphora Eucalyptus cloeziana Eucalyptus crenulata Eucalyptus curtisii Eucalyptus dealbata Eucalyptus dumosa Eucalyptus eugenioides Eucalyptus forrestiana Eucalyptus goniocalyx Eucalyptus grandis Eucalyptus intertexta Eucalyptus largiflorens Eucalyptus leucoxylon var Rosea see A-Z list for more ...