
Map is from The Atlas of Living Australia web site, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License Common Name Kangaroo Thorn
Other Names Kangaroo Acacia, Prickly Wattle, Hedge Wattle, Paradox Acacia
Description Kangaroo Thorn is a large shrub or tree growing to 2 m to 4 m tall. The phyllodes are lance shaped and about 2 cm long and up to 7 mm wide. It also produces sharp spines up to 15 mm long from the phyllode axils. It usually flowers in spring between August and November, producing clusters of bright yellow flowers. The flower heads are spherical and about 12 mm in diameter. The seed pods are brown and grow 4 cm to 7 cm long. The black seeds are oblong and about 6 mm long.
Habitat woodland, open forest.
Distribution Kangaroo Thorn is found in south east South Australia, Victoria, eastern New South Wales and south east Queensland. It has become naturalised in south west Western Australia and Tasmania. It has also been introduced to other continents.
Growth Characteristics Height (m): 2 - 4 Spread (m): 3 - 4 Soil Texture: sand, loam, clay, limestone Soil pH: acid soils, neutral soils, alkaliine soils Frost Sensitivity: moderately sensitive Minimum Rainfall (mm): 300 Flower Colour: yellow Flower Season: spring
(source: SA State Flora Catalog)
Propagation scarified seed
Wildlife Interest attracts seed-eating birds
Class: | Magnoliopsida | Order: | Fabales | Family: | Mimosaceae | Genus: | Acacia | Species: | paradoxa | Common Name: | Kangaroo Thorn |
Relatives in same Genus Acacia acanthoclada Acacia acinacea Acacia acradenia Acacia aculeatissima Acacia alata Acacia amblygona Acacia amoena Acacia aneura Acacia aulacocarpa Acacia auriculiformis Acacia baileyana Acacia beckleri Acacia boormanii Acacia brachybotrya Acacia brachystachya Acacia buxifolia Acacia caesiella Acacia calamifolia Acacia cardiophylla Acacia chrysocephala Acacia cognata see A-Z list for more ...