
Map is from The Atlas of Living Australia web site, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License Common Name Dagger Hakea
Other Names H.pugioniformis
Description The Dagger Hakea is a prickly shrub. It is fairly easily grown but is rarely cultivated. It has thick fleshy leaves with spikes at the tips, arranged in spirals along the plant stem. Clusters of small white flowers are produced mainly in summer and intermittently in winter. The inflorescences are produced on branches and each has four to eight small flowers. The fruit are sharp pointed woody seed pods. The plant gets its common name from the dagger shaped seed pods.
Habitat heathland with sandstone soil. Often seen with Heath Banksia (Banksia ericifolia) and Scrub She-oak (Allocasuarina distyla).
Distribution Eastern Australia from northern New South Wales down through Victoria and also Tasmania. There are two subspecies with H. teretifolia teretifolia found from northern New South Wales to south of Sydney, while H. teretifolia hirsuta is found from south of Sydney, Victoria and Tasmania.
Growth Characteristics Height: 1m - 2.5m Spread: 0.5m - 2.5m
Wildlife Interest attracts honeyeaters. Prickly foliage provides a refuge for small birds such as wrens and honeyeaters.
Class: | Magnoliopsida | Order: | Proteales | Family: | Proteaceae | Genus: | Hakea | Species: | teretifolia | Common Name: | Dagger Hakea |
Relatives in same Genus Hakea archaeoides Hakea bakeriana Hakea bucculenta Hakea decurrens Hakea drupacea Hakea myrtoides Hakea oleifolia Hakea petiolaris Hakea plurinervia Hakea scoparia