Australian Native Plants

  Pterostylis curta (Blunt Greenhood)

Pterostylis curta photo
Blunt Greenhood

Photograph by Bernd Haynold. Some rights reserved.    (view image details)

Pterostylis curta photo
Pterostylis curta

Photograph by Kurt Stueber. Some rights reserved.    (view image details)

Pterostylis curta photo
Australian orchid, the Blunt Greenhood (Pterostylis curta)

Photograph by Trex21. Some rights reserved.    (view image details)


distribution map showing range of Pterostylis curta in Australia

Map is from The Atlas of Living Australia web site, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License

Common Name
Blunt Greenhood

The Blunt Greenhood is a green flowering terrestrial orchid. The flower is greenish and white, about 3 cm tall and has a blunt hood made up of the dorsal sepal and lateral petals being fused together. The lateral sepals are joined together at the base and fork out into prongs on either side of the hood. thee is usually a single flower on a stem which grows to 30 cm tall. Flowering is from late winter and spring from July to October. The leaves form a rosette of up to six oval leaves at ground level that can grow to about 10 cm long. The plant grows from tubers and sometimes forms dense colonies in suitable habitat.

eucalypt forest, grassy woodland, prefers damp conditions.

Pterostylis curta is found in south east Queensland, eastern New South Wales, Victoria, eastern Tasmania, and is rare in south east of South Australia. Also found in New Caledonia.

Growth Characteristics
Height: 10cm - 30cm

Common Name:Blunt Greenhood

Relatives in same Genus
  Pterostylis alpina
  Pterostylis baptistii
  Pterostylis barbata
  Pterostylis coccina
  Pterostylis melagramma
  Pterostylis nutans
  Pterostylis pyramidalis
  Pterostylis recurva
  Pterostylis sanguinea
  Pterostylis sargentii
  Pterostylis stenochila
  Pterostylis vittata