Australian Native Plants - Sun Orchids
Thelymitra crinita (Blue Lady Orchid) |

Height grows to 70cm |
The Blue Lady Orchid is found only in Western Australia. It is a terrestrial orchid growing to about 70 cm in height. The leaf is lance shaped and grow to over 10 cm long and 4 cm wide. The flowers grow in clusters of up to ten flowers per stem Each... Read more > |
Thelymitra cyanea (Striped Sun Orchid) |

Height grows to 50 cm tall |
The Striped Sun Orchid grows in colonies on damp soil in suitable habitat. The leaf grows to 25 cm long and may be moew than 5cm. The flowers grow in cluster of up to six, and each individual flower is up to 3 cm across, coloured blue or purple with... Read more > |
Thelymitra ixioides (Spotted Sun Orchid) |

Height grows to 60 cm tall |
The Spotted Sun Orchid is a ground growing orchid with small leaf to 2 cm long and 1 cm wide. The flower stem is up to 60 cm tall with clusters of up to eight flowers. The flowers are about 2 to 3 cm in diameter blue or mauve with dark spots. The... Read more > |
Thelymitra macrophylla (Scented Sun Orchid) |

Height grows to about 60 cm tall |
The Scented Sun Orchid is a ground growing orchid with large leaf. The flowers grow in clusters on upright spikes. The individual flowers are blue and about 25 mm in diameter. The main flowering period is from August to November. Read more > |
Thelymitra pauciflora (Slender Sun Orchid) |

Height grows to about 60 cm tall |
The Slender Sun Orchid has a single leaf to about 3cm long and 1 cm wide. The flowers grow in clusters of up to a dozen flowers, but they only open two or three at a time giving a sparse flowering show. The individual flowers are about 2 cm across... Read more > |
Thelymitra rubra (Salmon Sun Orchid) |

Height grows to about 30 cm tall |
The Salmon Sun Orchid has a single leaf to about 10 cm long. The flowers are salmon pink and grow in small clusters of up to five. Each flower is about 25 mm in diameter. The main flowering period is from September to November. Read more > |