Australian Native Plants - Peas
Aotus ericoides (Common Aotus) |

Height 0.5m - 1.5m Spread 0.5m - 1.5m |
The Common Aotus is an upright spreading shrub. Flowers are yellow with red centre and produced in terminal sprays. Flowers in winter and spring. Read more > |
Bossiaea walkeri (Cactus Pea) |

Height 2m - 3m Spread 2m - 3m |
The Cactus Pea is a shrub with grey-green succulent foliag and bright red pea flowers in autumn, winter and spring. Read more > |
Eutaxia microphylla (Common Eutaxia) |

Common Eutaxia is a prostrate and dense to spreading shrub, growing from 1-1.5 m tall and sometimes with the smaller branches ending in a spine. Leaves are small, grey-green, blunt tipped and incurved, from 1.5-5 mm long and 0.1-1 mm wide, arranged... Read more > |
Gastrolobium melanopetalum |

Height 3m |
Gastrolobium melanopetalum is a shrub with narrow ovate leaves about 2cm - 6cm long. It has purple black pea flowers in early spring to early summer. Read more > |
Gastrolobium minus (Broad-leaved Brachysema) |

Height 0.2m Spread 1m - 3m |
The Broad-leaved Brachysema is a prostrate shrub and a member of the Pea family (Fabaceae). It has oval leaves that are dark green above and paler and silky below. The plant produces orange red flowers with yellow markings between July and October. Read more > |
Gastrolobium praemorsum 'Bronze Butterfly' |

Height 0.5m |
Gastrolobium praemorsum is a prostrate groundcover creeper or small shrub. The oval leaves have truncated tips and are dark green above and silky underneath. It has cream pea flowers that age to red between May and February. Read more > |
Goodia lotifolia (Golden Tip) |

Height 1m - 4m Spread 1m - 4m |
Golden Tip (also known as the Clover Bush is a fast growing tall shrub growing up to 4 m tall. The pea-shaped yellow flowers are borne in profuse clusters in spring from September to November. The flowers have a slight fragrance. There are two... Read more > |
Hovea acanthoclada (Thorny Hovea) |

Height 0.5m - 1.5m Spread 1m - 2m |
The Thorny Hovea is an upright rigid prickly shrub. It produces profuse clusters of purple blue pea flowers in winter and spring. The leaves are small and elliptic, and dark green in colour. The stems are thorny. The fruit is a pod. Read more > |
Hovea linearis (Common Hovea) |

Height 2m Spread 1m |
The Common Hovea is a slender upright shrub with hairy stems and branches. The lower leaves are elliptic or obovate, growing to about 1cm to 2.5cm long and 5mm to 10mm wide. The upper leaves are long and narrow about 3cm to 6cm long and 2mm to 4mm... Read more > |
Jacksonia furcellata (Grey Stinkwood) |

Height 0.4m - 4m |
Grey Stinkwood is greyish in appearance with leafless stems like broom. It is variable in form from prostrate groundcover to a weeping shrub or upright shrub. It produces yellow or orange flowers in late spring and summer (from October to March). Read more > |
Platylobium formosum (Handsome Flat-pea) |

Height 1m - 2m |
Handsome Flat-pea is a small to medium shrub that grows to about two metres in height. Its habit is an upright shrub, or trailing plant. The leaves are ovate or heart-shaped with very short stalks and grow up to 5 cm long and 2 cm wide. The plant... Read more > |
Platylobium obtusangulum (Common Flat Pea) |

Height 0.6m - 1m Spread 0.6m - 1.8m |
The Common Flat Pea is an upright, trailing or straggling shrub that grows to about one metre tall. The leaves are triangular shaped with very short stalks and up to 3 cm long with a sharp tip. The pea flowers are orange yellow with red centres and... Read more > |
Pultenaea pedunculata (Matted Bush-pea) |

Height 0.2m Spread 1m - 3m |
Matted Bush-pea is a prostrate shrub belonging to the pea family. The stems trail along the ground forming a dense mat that can spread to 3 m wide. The leaves are narrow elliptical and about 1 cm in length and 1 mm to 2 mm wide. It develops yellow... Read more > |
Pultenaea scabra (Rough Bush-pea) |

Height 1m - 2m Spread 0.5 m - 1.5m |
Rough Bush-pea is an upright small shrub that grows to about one to two metres tall. The leaves are wedge-shaped (inverted triangular) with two lobes at the tip, and grow to about 15 mm long. The leaves have down curved margins and have a rough... Read more > |
Templetonia retusa (Cockies Tongue) |

Height 0.3m - 2m Spread 3m |
Cockies Tongue is a shrub that grows to about two metres tall (sometimes as much as four metres). The blue green leaves are elliptical and grow to about 4cm long and 2.5cm wide. It produces bright orange red pea flowers in late autumn, winter and... Read more > |