Australian Native Plants

Australian Native Plants - Orchids

Phaius australis
(Lesser Swamp Orchid)
Phaius australis
 50cm - 200cm
The Lesser Swamp Orchid is a large terrestrial orchid growing to 2 m in height. The star shaped flowers are brownish or reddish brown with white underside, and sometimes have yellow veins.. The lip or labellum is pink on the inside. The lateral... Read more >
Phaius tancarvilleae
(Swamp Orchid)
Phaius tancarvilleae
 100cm - 200cm
The Swamp Orchid is a large ornamental orchid from eastern Australia. It produces large star shaped flowers that grow to about 10 cm across in clusters of up to a dozen per stem. The stem is fleshy and can grow to 2 m in height and about 5 cm across... Read more >
Prasophyllum elatum
(Tall Leek Orchid)
Prasophyllum elatum
The Tall Leek Orchid is a tall thick-stemmed terrestrial orchid growing to over a metre tall. The flower colour varies from green to brownish to purplish. Flowers are produced in spikes and are clustered close to the stem with up to sixty flowers... Read more >
Rhizanthella gardneri
(Underground Orchid)
Rhizanthella gardneri
 0 cm - grows under the ground
The Underground Orchid is an endangered orchid from Western Australia. This strange plant grows under the ground and even flowers below the soil surface level. The plant has a fleshy tuber which produces a flower cluster about 2 cm to 3 cm across... Read more >
Sarcochilus fitzgeraldii
(Ravine Orchid)
Sarcochilus fitzgeraldii
 leaves about 50cm but can grow to about one metre
The Ravine Orchid is a species of orchid endemic to Australia. It has long thin strap like leaves about 50 cm long. The flower heads are about 15cm long with about four to a dozen flowers or more. The flowers are about 3cm across and are and white... Read more >
Sarcochilus hartmannii Sarcochilus hartmannii
 leaves about 50cm but can grow to about one metre
This orchid has long strappy leaves about 50cm long. The flowers grow is clusters of 5 to more than 20. The flowers are up to 3cm across and are mostly white with red or brownish dots. There is also a white form. Its conservation status is classed... Read more >

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