Australian Native Plants

Australian Native Plants - Hakea

Hakea archaeoides Hakea archaeoides
 5m - 7m
 3m - 4m
Hakea archaeoides is a large shrub or small tree. It produces clusters of red and yellow flowers from spring to early summer. The flower racemes develop in the leaf axils on older wood and are up to 80mm long. The fruit is woody capsules about 3cm... Read more >
Hakea bakeriana Hakea bakeriana
Hakea bakeriana is a compact, bushy, small to medium sized shrub. It has bright green narrow leaves. It produces attractive cream, pale pink or deep pink flowers in loose clusters in late winter and spring. The fruit is large woody seed pods about... Read more >
Hakea bucculenta
(Red Pokers)
Hakea bucculenta
 1.5m - 4.5m
 1.5m - 4m
Hakea bucculenta from Western Australia is one of the most striking Hakeas. It is an upright shrub with narrow leaves and spikes of red or orange red flowers to 10cm long from June to October. It is commonly known as Red Pokers on account of the... Read more >
Hakea decurrens
(Bushy Needlewood)
Hakea decurrens
 1m - 3m
 1m - 3m
Hakea decurrens is a medium shrub. Young stems are red and the leaves are narrow and prickly. The plant produces pinkish buds opening into white flowers in winter and spring. The fruit is a woody capsule with two seeds. Read more >
Hakea drupacea
(Sweet Hakea)
Hakea drupacea
 3m - 5m
 3m - 5m
The Sweet-scented Hakea is a rounded shrub with bright green lobed leaves with sharp points. The sweetly scented flowers are white and produced in profuse clusters. The main flowering is in the cooler months between April and July, with intermittent... Read more >
Hakea myrtoides
(Myrtle hakea)
Hakea myrtoides
 0.2m - 0.5m
 0.6m - 1.5m
The Myrtle Hakea is a small spreading lignotuberous shrub with small elliptical leaves about 2cm long, with sharp points at the tips. The leaves are alternate and 7mm to 24mm long, and 3mm to 10mm wide. The flowers grow on the stems from the leaf... Read more >
Hakea oleifolia
(Olive-leaved Hakea)
Hakea oleifolia
 4m - 9m
 3m - 6m
The Olive-leaved Hakea (Hakea oleifolia) is a tall shrub or small tree with upright growth habit. It has light green oblong lanceolate leaves with a leathery texture. The laves are crowded and some have irregular teeth. White scented flowers are... Read more >
Hakea petiolaris
(Sea Urchin Hakea)
Hakea petiolaris
 2m - 10m
 2m - 6m
The Sea Urchin Hakea is an upright shrub or small tree It produces globular clusters of pink and cream flowers in autumn and winter (March to July). The pale grey leaves are alternate and 4cm to 150cm in length and 1cm to 6cm wide. Leaves are... Read more >
Hakea plurinervia Hakea plurinervia
 1m - 4m
 1m - 2m
Hakea plurinervia is an upright shrub with dense clusters of fragrant cream (or sometimes pink) flowers in winter and spring. The leaves are prominently veined and about 20cm long by 3.5cm wide. Fruits are woody seed capsules about 3.5cm by 1.5cm. Read more >
Hakea scoparia
(Kangaroo Bush)
Hakea scoparia
 1.5m - 3m
 1.5m - 3.5m
Hakea scoparia, known as Kangaroo Bush in parts of Western Australia is a shrub or small tree without a lignotuber. It produces clusters cream or pinkish flowers from April to September. The narrow leaves are linear and undissected, arranged in... Read more >
Hakea teretifolia
(Dagger Hakea)
Hakea teretifolia
 1m - 2.5m
 0.5m - 2.5m
The Dagger Hakea is a prickly shrub. It is fairly easily grown but is rarely cultivated. It has thick fleshy leaves with spikes at the tips, arranged in spirals along the plant stem. Clusters of small white flowers are produced mainly in summer and... Read more >