Australian Native Plants - Grevillea
Grevillea prasina |

Height 1m - 2.5m |
Grevillea prasina is a spreading or straggly shrub with simple ovate leaves about 30mm - 85mm long and 20mm - 30mm wide. Produces racemes of white, cream or yellow flowers between March and October. Fruit is warty and oblong or ellipsoidal, 10mm... Read more > |
Grevillea preissii ssp glabrilimba |

Height 0.2m -1.7 m Spread 1.5m - 2m |
Grevillea preissii subspecies glabrilimba is a spreading shrub. The leaves are dissected with narrow leaflets 5mm - 20mm long and 0.5mm -1mm wide. Leaf margins are down curved , enclosing the lower surface of the leaf blade, forming two grooves with... Read more > |
Grevillea ripicola (Collie Grevillea) |

Height 0.6m - 3m Spread 2m - 5m |
The Collie Grevillea is a dense spreading shrub. It has dissected leaves with leaf lobes 10mm -30mm long and 1.5mm - 5mm wide with flat margins. It produces racemes of yellow or orange toothbrush flowers in winter and spring. Fruit are ribbed or... Read more > |
Grevillea rivularis (Carrington Falls Grevillea) |

Height 1.5m - 2.5m Spread 2.5m - 3m |
The Carrington Falls Grevillea is a dense spreading shrub. It produces pale pink to purple pink toothbrush flowers at the end of branches in late winter and spring. The leaves are light green, about 6cm long and divided into several sharp-pointed... Read more > |
Grevillea robusta (Silky Oak) |

Height 8m - 20m Spread 5m - 14m |
The Silky Oak is a fast-growing large upright tree. It is the largest species of Grevillea. Produces 8cm - 15cm long bottlebrush shaped racemes of golden-orange flowers in spring and summer. The leaves are dissected bipinnatifid, and look a bit like... Read more > |
Grevillea rosmarinifolia 'Lara Dwarf' |

Height 0.3m Spread 1m |
Grevillea rosmarinifolia 'Lara Dwarf' is a compact prostrate shrub growing to about 30 cm tall and 1 m wide. The grey leaves are small and narrow growing to about 14 mm long and 2 mm wide. Masses of cream and pink flowers are produced in... Read more > |
Grevillea rosmarinifolia 'Scarlet Sprite' |

Height 1m - 2m Spread 1m - 2m |
Grevillea rosmarinifolia 'Scarlet Sprite'is a prickly shrub that grows to about 2 m tall. The leaves are fine and narrow with pointed tip. The flowers are bright red and produced in spider-shaped clusters in winter and spring. Read more > |
Grevillea sericea |

Height 1.5m - 3m Spread 1m - 3m |
Grevillea sericea is an upright, spreading shrub. It produces profuse clusters of pale pink to deep mauve-pink spider flowers through most of the year. Flowers are often prolific and conspicuous. Leaves are narrow and pointed. Read more > |
Grevillea steiglitziana (Brisbane Ranges Grevillea) |

Height 0.7m - 2m |
The Brisbane Ranges Grevillea is a spreading shrub. Flowers are greenish-brown with red styles, and produced between September and January. The leaves are lobed like holly leaves with prickly margins. Read more > |
Grevillea tenuiloba 'Golden Glory' |

Height 1m |
Grevillea tenuiloba 'Golden Glory' is a small shrub growing up to 1 m tall. The leaves are about 5 cm long and 25 mm wide and divided into narrow lobes with pointed tips. The flowers are bright orange or yellow and produced in winter and spring. The... Read more > |
Grevillea tetragonoloba |

Height 1m - 3m Spread 1.5m - 4m |
Grevillea tetragonoloba is an erect to spreading dense shrub with red or brown toothbrush-shaped clusters of flowers from June to November. Leaves are 60mm -130mm long and dissected into lobes 30mm - 75mm long and 1mm - 1.5mm wide. Leaf margins are... Read more > |
Grevillea thelemanniana |

Height 0.5m - 1m Spread 1m - 1.8m |
Grevillea thelemanniana is a spreading lignotuberous shrub. Leaves are simple, 10-30 mm long overall. The leaf blade is 1mm - 1.5mm wide and dissected, usually into three lobes (sometimes further divided). Leaf lobes are 2mm -8 mm long, Leaf margins... Read more > |
Grevillea thyrsoides |

Height 0.3m Spread 1.5m |
Grevillea thyrsoides is a spreading or prostrate groundcover shrub. Leaves are 25mm -120mm long and dissected. Leaf lobes are 2mm - 30mm long and 0.5mm -1.5mm wide. Margins are revolute, enclosing the lower surface of the leaf blade, forming two... Read more > |
Grevillea treueriana |

Height 1m - 2m Spread 1.5m - 2m |
Grevillea treueriana is a small open shrub. Leaves are 25mm - 30mm long and deeply divided into stiff, linear lobes with sharp points Leaf margins are recurved Produces clusters of orange red toothbrush-shaped flowers that hang downwards from the... Read more > |
Grevillea triloba |

Height 2m Spread 4m |
Grevillea triloba is spreading shrub. Leaves are 30mm -75mm long overall and may be dissected or undissected. Often has leaves divided into three lobes (hence the name). Leaf lobes are 10mm - 40mm long and 1mm - 8mm wide. Leaf margins are entire and... Read more > |
Grevillea tripartita |

Height 1.5m - 4.5m Spread 3m - 6m |
Grevillea tripartita is an erect, prickly shrub. Leaves are 10mm -50mm long and divided into three lobes. Leaf lobes are 5mm - 20mm long and 2mm - 5mm wide. Margins are revolute or recurved, enclosing the lower surface of the leaf blade, forming two... Read more > |
Grevillea victoriae (Royal Grevillea) |

Height 1m - 3m |
Royal Grevillea is an erect to spreading shrub. Leaves are elliptic to lanceolate, and about 6cm - 12cm long and 10mm - 45mm wide with smooth upper surface. Leaf margins are flat or slightly recurved. Produces red or reddish brown flowers. Fruit are... Read more > |
Grevillea whiteana |

Height 3m - 5m Spread 2m - 3m |
Grevillea whiteana is an erect shrub or small tree. It has cylindrical racemes of cream flowers from March to October. Leaves are 12cm - 25cm long and deeply divided with 10-18 ascending parallel lobes 5mm - 13mm long and 1-2mm - 5mm wide. Leaf... Read more > |
Grevillea wickhamii |

Height 3m Spread 2m |
Grevillea wickhamii is an erect shrub or small tree. Produces cream, yellow or red flowers from April to October and intermittently throughout the year. Leaves are obovate or spathulate and 25mm - 90mm long and 20mm - 55mm wide. Leaf margins are... Read more > |
Grevillea 'Apricot Charm' |

Height 1.5m Spread 2m |
Grevillea 'Apricot Charm'is a spreading shrub growing to about 1.5 m tall and about 2 m wide. The leaves are glossy green and about 3 cm long. Clusters of apricot coloured flowers are produced in winter and spring. The cultivar was produced by... Read more > |
Grevillea 'Billy Bonkers' |

Height 1m Spread 2m-3m |
Grevillea 'Billy Bonkers' is a hybrid grevillea produced by Richard Tomkin at Changers Green Nursery in Queensland. It is a cross between Grevillea nana subspecies abbreviata and Grevillea 'Sid Cadwell'. Apparently Richard Tomkin named this... Read more > |
Grevillea 'Bon Accord' |

Height 2m Spread 2m |
Grevillea 'Bon Accord' is a bushy medium sized shrub with fine, deeply divided leaves, and bronze new growth. The flowers are bright waxy red and sit above the foliage. Flowering is from late winter to late summer, and flowers are very attractive to... Read more > |
Grevillea 'Bonfire' |

Height 2m Spread 2m |
Grevillea 'Bonfire' is a bushy shrub that grows to about 2 m tall and 2 m across. The leaves are dark green and narrowly divided. Clusters of bright red spider-shaped flowers are produced in spring and summer. This plant makes an attractive specimen... Read more > |
Grevillea 'Bonnie Prince Charlie' |

Height 0.5m - 1m Spread 1m - 1.5m |
Grevillea 'Bonnie Prince Charlie' is a moderately dense shrub to 60 cm tall by about 1 m wide. The leaves are narrow lance-shaped and grow between 2 cm and 3 cm long and 1mm to 3mm wide. The flowers are produced in clusters at the end of the... Read more > |
Grevillea 'Boongala Spinebill' |

Height 1m - 2.5m Spread 2m - 5m |
Grevillea 'Boongala Spinebill' is a spreading, bushy shrub growing to 1.5 m to 2.5 m tall, and 2 m to 3 m wide. The leaves are dark green with tooth edges. New growth is reddish brown. Red flowers are produced in toothbrush-shaped clusters. The... Read more > |