Australian Native Plants - Grevillea
Grevillea excelsior (Orange Flame Grevillea) |

Height 3m - 5m Spread 2m - 3m |
The Flame Grevillea is a shrub or small tree with white, yellow or orange toothbrush-like flowers from July to November. The leaves ar 100-230 mm long and dissected with leaf lobes 150mm -200 mm long and 1mm - 1.5 mm wide. The leaf margins curve... Read more > |
Grevillea exul |

Height to 10m |
Grevillea exul is sometimes grown in Australia but it is actually a native of New Caledonia. It is tree with narrow lancelolate or elliptic leaves with blunt leaf tip. The flowers are white or pink. Fruit follicles are 12mm to 20 mm long and 9mm to... Read more > |
Grevillea fastigiata |

Height 2m - 2.5m |
Grevillea fastigiata is an upright dense shrub. The leaves are three part, deeply divided, and about 15mm - 45 mm long. The leaf lobes are 5mm -20mm long, and 1mm wide. The leaf margins curve downwards enclosing the lower surface of the leaf.... Read more > |
Grevillea fililoba |

Height 0.5m - 1m Spread 1m - 2m |
Grevillea fililoba is considered by some authorities to be a subspecies of Grevillea.thelemanniana. Both species are similar in appearance.Grevillea fililoba is a small dense spreading shrub with bright green narrow leaves. The leaves are about 45... Read more > |
Grevillea formosa |

Height 0.3m - 1m Spread 1m - 2m |
Grevillea formosa is an attractive bushy spreading or sprawling shrub with finely divided foliage The flower buds are green, opening into yellow orange flowers, with orange styles. The flower spikes are large and very attractive, and often trail... Read more > |
Grevillea georgeana |

Height 1m - 2.5m Spread 1m |
Grevillea georgeana is a fairly erect prickly shrub. The leaves are deeply divided and 3cm - 7cm long. The leaf segments are very narrow. Grevillea georgeana has very attractive red flowers with creamy white base between July and October. Some... Read more > |
Grevillea hilliana (White Silky Oak) |

Height 8m - 30m |
The White Silky Oak is a medium to large tree. Juvenile leaves are lobed (pinnatifid or pinnatisect) and about 25cm - 40cm long and 15cm - 30cm wide. Each leaf has 3-10 lobes about 8cm - 25cm long. Adult leaves are usually undivided and lanceolate... Read more > |
Grevillea hirtella |

Height 0.5m - 1.5m Spread 1.5m - 2.5m |
Grevillea hirtella is a spreading shrub. The leaves are about 5mm - 20 mm long and divided into three shallow lobes. The leaf lobes are 1.5mm - 8mm long and about 1mm wide. The leaf margins curve downwards and may enclose part of the lower surface... Read more > |
Grevillea insignis |

Height 2m - 4m Spread 2m - 5m |
Grevillea insignis is a bushy eract shrub with prickly leaves. The leaves are 25mm - 45mm long and 15mm -30mm wide with prickly margins like holly. Grevillea insignis produces racemes of cream or pink spider flowers from August to December. The... Read more > |
Grevillea intricata |

Height 1m - 3m Spread 2m - 5m |
Grevillea intricata is a dense spreading shrub with intricately branched foliage. The leaves are 50mm -110mm long and dissected into narrow leaf lobes about 20mm - 40mm long and 1mm wide. The leaf margins are curved downwards and enclose the lower... Read more > |
Grevillea juniperina 'Molonglo' |

Height 0.5m - 1m Spread >1m |
Grevillea juniperina 'Molonglo' is a low spreading shrub growing to about 1 m high and over 1 m wide. The flowers are apricot with red styles. The leaves narrow with pointed tips growing 8 mm to 20 mm long and 1 mm to 2 mm wide. The cultivar was... Read more > |
Grevillea juniperina (Juniper-leaf Grevillea) |

Height 0.3m - 4m Spread 1.5m - 6m |
Juniper-leaf Grevillea is a variable species that is found in prostrate forms and shrubby forms. The sharp-pointed leaves are linear about 5mm - 35 mm long. Produces clusters of yellow, apricot, pink or red spider-shaped flowers. Grevillea... Read more > |
Grevillea lanigera 'Coastal Gem' (Woolly Grevillea) |

Height 1m - 1.5m Spread 1m - 1.5m |
Grevillea lanigera 'Coastal Gem' is a small shrub. It produces clusters of red flowers from March to December. The soft leaves are grey green and hairy and have a somewhat succculent appearance. Grevillea lanigera has considerable variation in... Read more > |
Grevillea lanigera 'Lutea' (Woolly Grevillea) |

Height 1m Spread 1m - 1.5m |
Grevillea lanigera 'Lutea'is a spreading shrub growing to 1 m with a spread of about 1 m to 2 m. The leaves are narrow and grey-green in colour. The plant flowers profusely in winter and spring producing clusters of yellow spider-shaped flowers. Read more > |
Grevillea lanigera Mt Tamboritha form (Woolly Grevillea) |

Height 0.1m Spread 1.5m |
Grevillea lanigera 'Mt Tamboritha Form' is a dense prostrate spreading shrub. It produces clusters of reddish pink and cream flowers from March to December. The soft leaves are grey green and hairy. It makes an attractive groundcover in cooler parts... Read more > |
Grevillea lavandulacea (Lavender Grevillea) |

Height 0.2m - 1m Spread 0.5m - 1.5m |
The Lavender Grevillea is a small spreading shrub/. The small leaves are grey-green, resembling lavender (although some forms have darker green leaves). It produces clusters of bright red or pink spider-shaped flowers in winter and spring. Some... Read more > |
Grevillea leucopteris (White-plumed Grevillea) |

Height 2.5m - 5m Spread 3m - 6m |
The White-plumed Grevillea is a bushy spreading shrub. The leaves are about 12cm - 35cm long and finely dissected into narrow lobes about 10cm - 20cm long and 1.5mm - 6mm wide. The leaf margins are curved downwards enclosing the lower surface of the... Read more > |
Grevillea longistyla |

Height 2m - 5m Spread 2m - 4m |
Grevillea longistyla is a large spreading shrub. The leaves are grey-green and deeply divided into narrow segments. It has orange to red spider-shaped flowers in spring and summer. Read more > |
Grevillea manglesii ssp dissectifolia |

Height 1.5m - 3m Spread 3m |
Grevillea manglesii subsp. dissectifolia is a spreading shrub with deeply divided leaves about 20mm - 45mm long overall. The leaf is divided to the midvein into three lobes or segments. The lobes are 7mm - 20mm long and 1mm - 2.5mm wide. Grevillea... Read more > |
Grevillea mollis |

Height 1m - 2m |
Grevillea mollis is a spreading shrub with open habit. The leaves are soft and elongated oblong in shape, about 3cm - 10cm long, and 0.4cm - 1.4cm wide. Leaves have downy hairs on both sides. The branches arch. New growth is pink. Grevillea mollis... Read more > |
Grevillea nudiflora |

Height 0.3m - 1.8m Spread 1.5m - 5m |
Grevillea nudiflora is a spreading or prostrate shrub. It produces red, pink, orange-red or purple red flowers in winter and spring, The leaves are linear and 40mm - 105mm long and 1mm - 4mm wide. The leaf margins are entire and curve downwards and... Read more > |
Grevillea obtusifolia 'Gingin Gem' |

Height 0.1m - 0.2m Spread 2m - 4m |
Grevillea obtusiflora is a dense prostrate or spreading shrub with clusters of pink or red spider shaped flowers in winter and spring. The leaves are simple obovate , 10mm -35 mm long and 2mm - 3mm wide. Leaf margins are entire. Read more > |
Grevillea oleoides |

Height 2m - 3m Spread 1.5m - 2.5m |
Grevillea oleoides is an upright, open shrub with clusters of pink or red spider shaped flowers in winter and spring and intermittently through the year. Flowers appear in the leaf axils. The leaves are long and thin, and olive green in colour. Read more > |
Grevillea olivacea 'Apricot Glow' |

Height 1m - 2m Spread 2m |
Grevillea 'Apricot Glow' is a cultivar of Grevillea olivacea. It is a small shrub 1-2 metres with oval leaves similar to Grevillea olivacea. Produces clusters of apricot orange spider flowers in winter and spring. Read more > |
Grevillea pilosa subsp Redacta |

Height 0.4m - 2m |
Grevillea pilosa subspecies redacta is a spreading to prostrate shrub. The obovate simple leaves are about 15mm - 35mm long, and 10mm - 15mm wide with prickly margins. Produces racemes of pink or red flowers from August to December. Fruit are oblong... Read more > |