Australian Native Plants - Grasses
Chloris truncata (Windmill Grass) |

Windmill Grass is an annual or perennial, tufted grass, up to 40 cm tall, with flattened stems and coarse, straight, flat to folded leaves up to 15 cm long and 5 mm wide. Windmill-like flower-head of 5 - 10 spikes, 5 - 17 cm long, radiating from the... Read more > |
Cynodon dactylon (Greencouch) |

Greencouch is a perennial grass that grows approximately 15 cm tall. It has the growth habit of running rhizomes that root at the nodes. The leaf blades are flat, with the leaf sheath half as long as the internodes. Growing upright in line with... Read more > |
Phragmites australis (Common Reed) |

Common reed is a perennial grass that grows to 4 m tall in both fresh and brackish water. Its leaves are alternate, up to 70 cm long and 3.5 cm wide, and smooth in appearance. The plant's flowers are 15-30 cm long and 5-20 cm wide. The flower... Read more > |
Poa poiformis (Blue Tussock Grass) |

Blue Tussock Grass is a large tussock forming grass to 1 m tall, with stiffly erect, smooth leaves of a rather bluish- or glaucous-green colour. Leaf blades are generally closely inrolled and sharply tipped. The flower-heads are often narrow and... Read more > |
Sporobolus virginicus (Saltcouch) |

Saltcouch is a perennial grass with erect, leafy stems. It grows in mat formations from rhizomes to a height of 15-30 cm. The plant's leaves are alternate, up to 15 cm long, and are in 2 ranks on either side of the stem. The stems can be both... Read more > |