Australian Native Plants - Fan Palms
Corypha utan (Gebang Palm) |

Height 20m Spread fronds 4m to 6m |
Gebang Palm is a fan palm growing up to twenty metres tall. The large fan shaped fronds grow to six metres long, and divided into up to a hundred grey green segments. Old frond sheaths remain on the trunk.. The plant produces massive flowering... Read more > |
Licuala ramsayi (Australian Fan Palm) |

Height to 15m |
The Australian Fan Palm is an attractive rainforest palm with single trunk and large round leaves to 2m diameter. The leaves have a windmill appearance of wedge-shaped segments joined together. The leaflet tips are serrated around the margins. Read more > |
Livistona alfredii (Millstream Palm) |

Height 10m |
The Millstream Palm is a medium sized solitary fan palm growing to about ten metres in height. The fronds are grey green in colour on stalks about a metre long. After the leaves die, the stalks remain on the upper part of the trunk. The flowers are... Read more > |
Livistona australis (Cabbage Palm) |

Height 6m - 20m Spread 3m - 5m |
The Cabbage Palm has a single grey trunk. The leaves are shiny green to 1.8m across. The flowers are creamy white and the fruit is black when ripe. The growing bud is edible (hence the name), but removing the growing tip kills the plant. It is fire... Read more > |
Livistona decipiens (Ribbon Fan Palm) |

Height 10m to 20m |
Livistona decipiens is an attractive palm with light green drooping finely divided leaves to 3m long. It has attractive 2m long sprays of cream flowers in summer. Read more > |
Livistona humilis (Sand Palm) |

Height 10m |
The Sand Palm is a fairly small palm with a fairly slender trunk that grows to about ten metres tall. The fronds are fan-shaped with partially divided segments. Old frond leaf bases remain on the trunk. It produces large clusters of creamy yellow... Read more > |
Livistona mariae (Central Australian Cabbage Palm) |

Height 25m |
Central Australian Cabbage Palm is a solitary fan palm growing to about twenty five metres tall with a trunk of about 30 cm in diameter. It develops a dense crown of up to fifty leaves which are shiny green with waxy underside. New fronds are... Read more > |
Livistona rigida (Mataranka Fan Palm) |

Height to 20m |
The Mataranka Fan Palm is a single trunked fan palm. The leaves are stiff with waxy underside and grow to 4 m long with petiole to 2 m. Leaves have thorns along the margins. Old leaves hang round the trunk. Fruit is black and about 2 cm in diameter.... Read more > |