Australian Native Plants - Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus melliodora (Yellow Box) |

Tree to 30 m high. Bark fibrous on lower trunk only or up to larger branches, grey, yellow or red-brown, then smooth, white-yellow above. Juvenile leaves alternate, petiolate, ovate or elliptic, grey-green, concolorous. Adult leaves narrowly... Read more > |
Eucalyptus michaeliana (Hillgrove Gum) |

Tree to 30 m. Bark white, yellow, grey or red, in blotches. Adult leaves: lamina 15-20 cm long, 2-3 cm wide; lateral veins just visible, at 50° -60° ; intramarginal vein up to 1 mm from margin; petiole slightly flattened or terete, 17-30... Read more > |
Eucalyptus microcarpa (Grey Box) |

Tree to 25 m. Bark rough, fibrous on trunk and larger branches, grey, tessellated, then smooth and white above. Juvenile leaves ovate, green. Adult leaves lanceolate, acuminate; lamina 8-15 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, green; lateral veins faint or clearly... Read more > |
Eucalyptus microcorys (Tallow wood) |

The Tallow wood is a tree to 60 m. Adult leaves: lamina 8-13 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm wide; lateral veins just visible to clearly visible, at 45° -60° ; intramarginal vein up to 1 mm from margin; petiole terete to channelled, 8-15 mm long.... Read more > |
Eucalyptus microtheca (Coolabah) |

Tree to 20 m. Bark varies from smooth and white or grey throughout to rough, fibrous, grey to grey-black on trunk and often on larger branches. Juvenile leaves alternate, lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, green to grey-green or glaucous, slightly... Read more > |
Eucalyptus miniata (Darwin Woollybutt) |

The Darwin Woollybutt is a tree to 30 m. Bark ±stringy, spongy, fissured, grey or rusty red for 1/4-1/2 of height, then smooth and white above. Juvenile leaves ovate, green, stellate hairy. Adult leaves sometimes falcate, acute or acuminate; lamina... Read more > |
Eucalyptus muelleriana (Yellow Stringybark) |

Height 25m - 40m |
Yellow Stringybark is a tall eucalypt tree with fibrous bark and a straight trunk. The timber is hard, durable and straight grained and used for construction. It has white flowers in summer. Read more > |
Eucalyptus nicholii (Narrow-leaved Black Peppermint) |

Tree to 15 m. Bark rough, fibrous throughout, yellow-brown to grey-brown. Juvenile leaves alternate, crowded, shortly petiolate, linear, grey-green, concolorous. Adult leaves alternate, narrowly lanceolate acuminate; lamina 6-13 cm long, 0.5-1 cm... Read more > |
Eucalyptus obliqua (Messmate Stringybark) |

Tree to 90 m. Bark fibrous, stringy, furrowed throughout, grey to red-brown. Juvenile leaves ovate, oblique, often shortly acuminate; shining. Adult leaves broadly lanceolate, acuminate, lamina 10-15 cm long, 1.5-3.3 cm wide, dark green, shining;... Read more > |
Eucalyptus ochrophloia (Yapunyah) |

Tree to 20 m, though usually less than 15 m. Bark rough, fibrous to 4 m, abruptly changing to smooth and red or bronze above. Juvenile leaves narrowly lanceolate to lanceolate, green, slightly discolorous. Adult leaves narrowly lanceolate, acuminate... Read more > |
Eucalyptus orbifolia (Round-leaved Mallee) |

Height 6m |
The Round-leaved Mallee is an open tree or mallee shrub with rough bark that peels off in strips showing the cream coloured new bark underneathy. The leaves are rounded, greyish green and quite thick. The tree produces creamy yellow showy flowers in... Read more > |
Eucalyptus pachyphylla (Red-budded Mallee) |

The Red-budded Mallee is a mallee to 4 m. Bark smooth, grey to pink-grey, deciduous in long strips. Juvenile leaves alternate, petiolate, broadly lanceolate, green. Adult leaves alternate, ovate to broadly lanceolate, acuminate; lamina 9-16 cm long,... Read more > |
Eucalyptus pauciflora (Snow Gum) |

Tree or mallee. Bark smooth, white to light grey or sometimes brown-red, shedding in irregular patches or strips, giving a mottled appearance, sometimes with 'scribbles'. Adult leaves lanceolate to broadly lanceolate or narrowly ovate; lateral veins... Read more > |
Eucalyptus perriniana (Spinning Gum) |

Height 4m - 10m Spread 4m - 10m |
The Spinning Gum is a tree or mallee shrub with attractive smooth bark, and attractive juvenile foliage with almost round leaves that encircle the stems. Profuse clusters of white flowers are produced in summer and autumn. Read more > |
Eucalyptus pilularis (Blackbutt) |

Tree to 70 m. Bark fibrous, grey-brown on most of trunk, then smooth, white or yellow-grey above, often with insect 'scribbles'. Adult leaves lanceolate; lamina 9-16 cm long, 1.6-3 cm wide; lateral veins clearly visible, at 30° -45° ;... Read more > |
Eucalyptus platyphylla (Poplar Gum) |

The Poplar Gum is a tree to 20 m, deciduous. Bark white, grey or tan, often powdery. Juvenile leaves alternate, broadly lanceolate to ovate, slightly discolorous. Adult leaves alternate, orbicular, cordate or rhomboid, rarely lanceolate, rounded or... Read more > |
Eucalyptus polyanthemos (Red Box) |

Height 10m - 25m Spread 5m - 15m |
The Red Box is a tree smooth or fibrous bark, and canopy of grey green foliage. Juvenile leaves are round and adult leaves are ovate. The tree produces cluster of white or pinkish flowers in spring and summer, followed by pear-shaped fruits about... Read more > |
Eucalyptus populnea (Bimble Box) |

The Bimble Box is a tree to 20 m. Bark rough, fibrous, grey to brown or often bleached on trunk and larger branches, then smooth and brown to grey-brown above. Juvenile leaves ovate to orbicular, shining, green, slightly discolorous. Adult leaves... Read more > |
Eucalyptus porosa (Mallee Box) |

The Mallee Box is a mallee to 5 m or tree to 12 m. Bark rough, fibrous, grey-brown on trunk or lower stems of mallees, sometimes extending to larger branches of trees, then smooth and grey-white above. Juvenile leaves elliptic to ovate, dark green,... Read more > |
Eucalyptus preissiana var lobata (Bell-fruited Mallee) |

Height 3m Spread 2m - 3m |
The Bell-fruited Mallee is a spreading tree or mallee shrub with smooth grey bark and large thick ovate leeves. The eucalypt produces large, yellow flowers in late winter and spring. The buds have rounded red caps. Fruits are large and bell-shaped. Read more > |
Eucalyptus pruinosa (Silver Box) |

The Silver Box is a tree to 10 m, but often a mallee to 3 m or more. Bark rough, flaky throughout, light brown to grey. Juvenile leaves opposite, ovate or broadly lanceolate, glaucous, concolorous. Adult leaves broadly ovate to elliptic-ovate,... Read more > |
Eucalyptus punctata (Grey Gum) |

The Grey Gum is a tree to 35 m. Bark grey gum type. Juvenile leaves narrowly lanceolate to lanceolate. Adult leaves lanceolate, slightly falcate; lamina 8-15 cm long, 1.6-3 cm wide, shining above; lateral veins just visible, at 45° -55° ;... Read more > |
Eucalyptus racemosa (Scribbly Gum) |

The Scribbly Gum is a tree to 15 m. Bark smooth throughout, white or yellow-white, with insect 'scribbles'. Juvenile leaves narrowly lanceolate. Adult leaves narrowly lanceolate to lanceolate, acuminate, oblique, thin; lamina 7-14 cm long, 1-1.5 cm... Read more > |
Eucalyptus regnans (Mountain Ash) |

The Mountain Ash is a tree usually to 75 m, recorded to 100 m. Bark rough up to 15 m on trunk, smooth, white or grey-green above, often shedding in strips. Adult leaves lanceolate or broadly lanceolate; lamina 9-14 cm long, 1.6-2.7 cm wide; petiole... Read more > |
Eucalyptus robusta (Swamp Mahogany) |

Tree to 30 m. Bark rough throughout, soft, spongy, subfibrous, red-brown. Juvenile leaves ovate. Adult leaves broadly lanceolate; lamina 10-16 cm long, 2.7-4.5 cm wide; lateral veins fine, at 50° -60° ; intramarginal vein up to 2 mm from... Read more > |