Australian Native Plants - Dicot
Hymenosporum flavum (Native Frangipani) |

Height 2m - 10m (to 25m in tropical forest) Spread 3m - 5m |
The Native Frangipani is the only member of the genus Hymenosporum and is closely related to the Pittosporum. In tropical parts of its range it can grow to 25m tall with a diameter of 30cm. In cultivation it is a small slender tree to 10m tall with... Read more > |
Pittosporum ferrugineum (Rusty pittosporum) |

Height 4m - 8m |
Rusty pittosporum is a large bushy shrub or small tree with dense canopy growing to about eight metres in height. The leaves are elliptical and grow to about 12 cm long and 1 cm wide. It produces clusters of small five-lobed white flowers with... Read more > |
Disphyma crassifolium var clavellatum (Round-leaved Pigface) |

Spread 1m - 2m |
Round-leaved Pigface is a prostrate, succulent herbaceous perennial plant with pink, purple or violet flowers. Read more > |
Duma adpressa (Climbing Lignum) |

Climbing Lignum is a prostrate low shrub, 0.4-2 m high, often found scrambling or twining over rocks, fallen timber or other plants. It has slender, reddish-brown stems to 1 m long. Leaves are oblong, ovate or semi-circular, 1.5-6 cm long and... Read more > |
Duma florulenta (Tangled lignum) |

Tangled lignum is hairless perennial shrub, to 2.5 m high, with many slender tangled striate branches and branchlets.
Leaves alternate, linear or lanceolate, on most plants rarely remaining for long and usually not occurring on the older... Read more > |
Limonium australe (Native Sea Lavender) |

Native Sea Lavender plants are perennial herbs with a clumping appearance and grow to around 40 cm tall. Native sea lavender leaves grow directly from roots (no stem), are narrow at the base and widen near the tips. The roots are very sturdy and... Read more > |
Persicaria decipiens (Slender Knotweed) |

Slender Knotweed is a decumbent to ascending annual or perennial herb to 30 cm high. Leaves are narrow-elliptic to lanceolate (spear-shaped), from 5-12 cm long and 5-13 cm wide and often with a purple blotch near the middle of the upper... Read more > |
Astroloma foliosum |

Height 0.2m -1.3m |
Astroloma foliosum is an erect, conifer-like shrub with tubular green-tipped red flowers in winter and early spring.May-Sep. Read more > |
Leucopogon parviflorus (Coast Beard-heath) |

Coast Beard-heath is an erect shrub to small tree. Finer branches are softly hairy. Its stiff leaves are elliptical to oblanceolate (reversed spear-shaped), 10-30 mm long and 2.5-7.5 mm wide. Leaf margins and apex sometimes recurved. Underside of... Read more > |
Rhododendron lochiae (Australian Rhododendron) |

Height 1m Spread 1m |
Australian Rhododendron is small shrub growing to one metre tall. The glossy leaves are elliptical and grow up to 10 cm long and 5 cm wide, and are thick and stiff. It has very attractive clusters of reddish pink bell-shaped flowers that grow to 5... Read more > |
Samolus repens (Creeping Bushweed) |

This perennial grows to a height of 10-30 cm and a width of 5-60 cm. Its stems are often wrinkled or warty. The stems often creep along the ground, rooting at the nodes. It has thick leaves without hairs (glabrous). The leaves are alternate... Read more > |
Senna artemisioides (Silver Cassia) |

Height 1m - 3m |
Silver Cassia is a shrub growing to about two metres in height. The leaves are covered in short hairs giving a silvery appearance. The compound leaves grow to about 4cm long and have up to eight pairs of narrow leaflets. Clusters of yellow flowers... Read more > |
Allocasuarina decaisneana (Desert Oak) |

Height 5m - 18m Spread 3m - 7m |
The Desert Oak is an open sparse tree. Female plants have red flowers in spring, and male plants have brown flowers. Seed cones are 3cm - 7cm long. Read more > |
Casuarina obesa (Swamp Oak) |

The Swamp Oak is a tree from 6-15 m tall which frequently produces root suckers. The bark is finely fissured, scaly, grey-brown. The leaves are reduced to minute 1 mm long teeth in whorls of 12-16 on long, jointed, slender, wiry, ribbed, grey-green,... Read more > |
Casuarina pauper (Belah) |

Belah is a tree from 10-12 m tall with finely fissured, scaly, grey-brown bark and long, jointed, slender, wiry, ribbed, grey-green, branchlets with tiny 1 mm long teeth (reduced leaves) in whorls of 9-20.
Plants are either male or female.... Read more > |
Alyxia buxifolia (Sea Box) |

Sea Box is a small compact shrub to 2 m tall. Leaves dark to mid green and arranged opposite to each other on stems; thick and leathery, elliptical to almost round in shape, smooth, 1-3 cm long.
Flowers scattered in small terminal clusters,... Read more > |
Halgania cyanea (Mallee Blue-flower) |

Height 0.3m - 0.9m Spread 0.5m - 2m |
The Mallee Blue-flower or Rough Halgania is a small perennial sub-shrub with a suckering habit. It is usually dense and bushy. The dull green leaves are linear or narrow elliptical with toothed margins and are about 25mm long. The star-shaped... Read more > |
Hemiandra pungens (Snakebush) |

Height 0.1m - 1m Spread 2m - 3m |
Snakebush is a small shrub with variable habit. It can be a prostrate shrub or trailing plant. The leaves are usually simple lance-shaped with a short sharp point. Leaves grow to about 25mm long. The tubular flowers have two lips, with the a... Read more > |
Mazus pumilio (Swamp Mazus) |

Swamp Mazus is a small, perennial herb forming rosettes connected by rhizomes. Leaves bright green, obovate to spatula-like, 0.8-5.5 cm long and 2.5-18 mm wide with toothed or undulated margins on stalks 3-30 mm long.
Flowers in groups of... Read more > |
Thyridia repens (Creeping Monkey-flower) |

Creeping Monkey-flower is a small annual or perennial, non-hairy herb usually growing along the ground from rooting nodes and forming mats. The leaves are generally crowded and small 2-6 mm long, ovate with an acute or obtuse apex and a rounded base... Read more > |
Adriana quadripartita (Coastal Bitter Bush) |

Coastal Bitter Bush is an erect, open shrub to 2 m high with pale undersides to its lanceolate (spear-shaped) to ovate, serrated or coarsely toothed leaves; 5-10 cm long and 2-4 cm wide.
Plants are either male or female. Flowers are yellow to... Read more > |
Bauera rubioides (Dog Rose) |

Height 0.2m - 3m Spread 1m - 3m |
Dog Rose is a rambling shrub to 2 m tall. The leaflets are 5 mm to 15 mm long and 2mm to 3 mm wide, with serrated edges, closely attached to the stems. The flowers are pink, or less commonly white, with petals 6 mm to 8 mm long and cream stamens.... Read more > |
Bauera sessiliflora (Grampians Bauera) |

Height 2m - 3m Spread 2m - 4m |
The Grampians Bauera is a dense upright shrub with pink or purple open-petalled flowers in spring and summer. Read more > |
Pullea stutzeri (Hard Alder) |

Height 5m - 10m |
Hard Alder is a small ornamental rainforest tree growing to about ten metres tall, but can be maintained as a large shrub by pruning. The leaves are elliptical to about 15 cm long and 7 cm wide, becoming pointed towards the tip with small serrations... Read more > |
Clematis microphylla (Small-Leaved Clematis) |

Clematis microphylla (Small-leaved Clematis) is a woody climbing shrub to about 3 m high, often found scrambling over other vegetation or rocky outcrops. Leaves continually divide into three leaflets with the terminal leaflet 6-50 mm long and from... Read more > |