Australian Native Plants - Banksia
Banksia oreophila (Mountain Banksia) |

Height 2m - 3m Spread 1.5m - 2.5m |
The Mountain Banksia is a shrub with smooth grey or brown bark that grows to three metres tall. The pale green leaves are narrow wedge-shape growing up to 11 cm in length and 25 mm wide. The leaves are whole or may be serrated. It produces... Read more > |
Banksia ornata (Desert Banksia) |

Height 1m - 3m Spread 0.5m - 2.5m |
The Desert Banksia is a dense shrub growing to three metres in height. The leaves are about 10cm long and 2 cm wide and are narrow wedge shape with serrated margins. It develops cylindrical spikes of orange flowers in winter and spring. The flower... Read more > |
Banksia paludosa (Marsh Banksia) |

Height 0.5m - 1.5m Spread 0.5m - 1.5m |
The Marsh Banksia is a small spreading shrub that grows to about one and a half metres tall, although there is a subspecies that grows to about five metres tall. The leaves are oval or egg-shaped and grow to 13 cm long and 3 cm wide. The leaf edges... Read more > |
Banksia petiolaris (Creeping Banksia) |

Height 0.3m - 0.6m Spread 2m |
Banksia petiolaris is a prostrate shrub that ahs spreading horizontal stems. The leathery leaves are long and narrow with serrated edges, and grow upright from the stem and can reach 60cm in length. It produces yellow spikes of flowers in late... Read more > |
Banksia pilostylis (Marsh Banksia) |

Height 2m - 4m Spread 2m - 4m |
The Marsh Banksia is a bushy shrub that grows to four metres in height. It develops cylindrical spikes cream or greenish yellow scented flowers in spring, summer and autumn. the flower heads grow to about 12 cm tall. The leaves are long and narrow... Read more > |
Banksia polycephala (Many-headed Dryandra) |

Height 3m Spread 2m |
The Many-headed Dryandra is a shrub growing to around three metres in height. The plant has narrow serrated leaves and heads of yellow flowers to 4 cm in diameter. This shrub which used to known as Dryandra polycephala is endemic to Western... Read more > |
Banksia praemorsa (Cut-leaf Banksia) |

Height 2m - 4m Spread 2m - 3m |
Cut-leaf Banksia is a dense medium sized shrub growing to four metres in height. The leaves are wedge-shaped with truncated tips and grow to about 5cm in length. It produces cylindrical spikes of reddish brown or yellow flowers in winter and spring.... Read more > |
Banksia prionotes (Acorn Banksia) |

Height 5m - 10m Spread 4m - 6m |
The Acorn Banksia is a large shrub or tree with smooth grey bark growing to ten metres in height. The leaves are long and narrow growing to about 25 cm long and 2 cm wide with triangular lobes on the margins making a distinctive saw-toothed edge. It... Read more > |
Banksia pulchella (Teasel Banksia) |

Height 1m - 1.5m Spread 1m - 2m |
The Teasel Banksia is a dense spreading shrub growing to about a metre in height. The leaves are short and narrow up to about 13 mm in length. It develops spikes of very showy orange flowers with long yellow styles in spring and winter and... Read more > |
Banksia quercifolia (Oak-leaved Banksia) |

Height 2m - 4m Spread 1.5m - 3m |
The Oak-leaved Banksia is a shrub growing to around three metres. The leaves are long and wedge-shaped lobed with large serrations. Leaves grow to around 15 cm in length and about 3 cm wide. It produces a cylindrical flower spikes of orange brown... Read more > |
Banksia repens (Creeping Banksia) |

Height 0.3m - 0.5m Spread 2m - 4m |
The Creeping Banksia is a prostrate shrub with horizontal branches which spread below the surface of the soil. The leaves are very long and stiff and are held erect, growing up to 40 cm in length. The leaves are deeply lobed and have a distinctive... Read more > |
Banksia robur (Swamp Banksia) |

Height 1m - 3m Spread 0.5m - 2m |
The Swamp Banksia is a straggly, sparse shrub that grows to about two metres in height. The oval leaves are large and leathery growing up to 30 cm long and 10 cm wide, with finely serrated margin. New growth is covered in fine reddish brown hairs... Read more > |
Banksia saxicola (Grampians Banksia) |

Height 2m - 5m Spread 2m |
Grampians Banksia is a shrub to two metres in height or small tree to around five metres in height. The leaves are elongated egg-shaped to about 14 cm long and 3 cm wide. The flower spikes are creamy yellow and about 9 cm in length. the main... Read more > |
Banksia scabrella (Burma Road Banksia) |

Height 1m - 2m Spread 1m - 3m |
Burma Road Banksia is a small shrub growing to about two metres tall. The leaves are fine needle-shaped and 1 cm to 2 cm in length. It produces oval clusters of pale yellow or creamy brown flowers in spring and summer. The flowers are followed by... Read more > |
Banksia sceptrum (Sceptre Banksia) |

Height 2m - 6m Spread 2m - 5m |
The Sceptre Banksia is a dense spreading shrub growing to six metres in height. The leaves are long and narrow oval-shaped with fine serrations on the edges. It produces very ornamental tall spikes of pale yellow flowers in summer and intermittently... Read more > |
Banksia seminuda (River Banksia) |

Height 6m - 20m Spread 4m - 10m |
The River Banksia is one of the largest banksias and may occur as a large shrub or tree growing up to twenty metres tall. It has a fairly straight grey trunk with hard bark. The leaves are long narrow ovals growing to 20 cm long with fairly widely... Read more > |
Banksia serrata (Old Man Banksia) |

Height to 15m tall. Some forms are shrubby to 3m tall |
Banksia serrata is usually a gnarled tree with a single trunk. In some coastal areas it is a shrub to 3m, and there is also a prostrate form. The bark is rough and cork-like and can withstand fire. The leaves a dark glossy green above and light... Read more > |
Banksia solandri (Stirling Range Banksia) |

Height 2m - 4m Spread 2m - 4m |
Stirling Range Banksia is a large shrub growing to about four metres in height. The attractive leaves grow to about 20 cm long and 10 cm wide with deep lobes that may be triangular or more rounded, like the English Oak tee leaf. The stems are... Read more > |
Banksia speciosa (Showy Banksia) |

Height 3m - 8m Spread 3m - 8m |
The Showy Banksia is a large spreading shrub to four metres, or may be a small tree growing to eight metres tall. The leaves are long and narrow growing to 45 cm in length with even triangular lobes giving a prominent serrated edge. Flowers are... Read more > |
Banksia sphaerocarpa var caesia (Round-fruited Banksia) |

Height 2m - 4m Spread 2m |
The Fox Banksia is a variety of Banksia sphaerocarpa that grows to a height of around two metres but can reach as much as four metres. Leaves are long and narrow and blue grey in colour with a pointed tip and grow up to 10 cm in length and about... Read more > |
Banksia sphaerocarpa var dolichostyla (Ironcap Banksia) |

Height 2m - 4m Spread 2m - 4m |
The Ironcap Banksia is the largest of all the varieties of Banksia sphaerocarpa varieties and grows as a shrub or small tree to a height of around four metres. The blue grey leaves are long and narrow with a pointed tip and grow up to 10 cm in... Read more > |
Banksia sphaerocarpa var pumilio (Round-fruited Banksia) |

Height 1m Spread 1m |
Banksia sphaerocarpa var. pumilio is a small shrub that grows to a height of less than one metre. Leaves are long and narrow with a pointed tip. It produces ball shaped clusters of yellow flowers which are smaller than those found on other... Read more > |
Banksia sphaerocarpa var sphaerocarpa (Fox Banksia) |

Height 0.5m - 2m Spread 1.5m |
Banksia sphaerocarpa var. sphaerocarpa grows to a height of around two metres. Leaves are long and narrow with a pointed tip. It produces ball shaped clusters of yellow flowers in summer, autumn and winter. The fruit is a globular woody cone with up... Read more > |
Banksia spinulosa 'Carnarvon Gold' |

Height 2m - 5m |
Banksia spinulosa var. collina 'Carnarvon Gold' is a medium to large shrub that grows to five metres tall. It produces spikes of golden yellow flowers. The leaves are long and narrow with leaf edges rolled downwards so that serrations are not... Read more > |
Banksia spinulosa 'Coastal Cushion' |

Height 0.5m Spread 1.5m - 2m |
Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa 'Coastal Cushion' is a low growing spreading shrub to half a metre in height. It produces spikes of golden flowers with dark red styles. The flower spikes grow to about 15 cm tall and about 6 cm in diameter. This... Read more > |