Australian Native Plants - Banksia
Banksia ericifolia 'Little Eric' (Heath Banksia) |

Height 1.2m - 2m Spread 1.2m - 1.6m |
Banksia ericifolia 'Little Eric' is a dwarf cultivar of Banksia ericifolia. This small cultivar has similar flowers to the original species form, but is much more compact and suitable for small gardens. It has cylindrical spikes of orange flowers... Read more > |
Banksia ericifolia (Heath Banksia) |

Height 2m - 6m Spread 1m - 2.5m |
The Heath Banksia is a large woody shrub that grows to 6m tall, but is usually only around 3m in height. It produces cylindrical spikes of orange or reddish flowers in autumn. The flower styles are orange or sometimes a maroon colour The flower... Read more > |
Banksia gardneri var brevidentata (Prostrate Banksia) |

Height 0.2m - 0.4m Spread 1m - 3m |
Banksia gardneri var. brevidentata is a prostrate plant with horizontal branches that grows to about 20cm tall. The leaves have serrated saw tooth margins with teeth up to 5mm long. It produces spikes of orange brown flowers which grow to 10cm tall... Read more > |
Banksia gardneri var gardneri (Prostrate Banksia) |

Height 0.1m - 0.3m Spread 1m - 2m |
Banksia gardneri var. gardneri is a prostrate shrub growing to about 30cm tall. The leaves are lobed and have a prominent pale mid vein. The lobes are 1cm to 3cm. It produces spikes of orange brown flowers in spring which grow from the base of the... Read more > |
Banksia grandis (Bull Banksia) |

Height 5m - 10m Spread 3m - 5m |
The Bull Banksia is a tree growing to ten metres tall or may grow as a smaller spreading shrub. The trunk is grey and often gnarled and crooked. The leaves are up to 45cm long and about 11cm wide, and made up of large triangular lobes that reach the... Read more > |
Banksia grossa (Coarse Banksia) |

Height 1m - 1.5m Spread 1.5m - 2m |
Coarse Banksia is a shrub growing to about 1.5 metres in height. It has coarse narrow leaves growing to 12cm long but only 3mm wide. Although the leaves are narrow they are quite thick and fleshy from upper surface top lower surface. It produces... Read more > |
Banksia hookeriana (Hooker's Banksia) |

Height 2m - 3m Spread 2m - 4m |
Hooker's is a dense shrub with smooth bark growing to about three metres in height. It has long narrow leaves that grow to 16cm long and 12mm wide. Leaves are serrated saw-tooth margins. The golden orange flowers are produced in acorn shaped... Read more > |
Banksia integrifolia ssp compar (Coast Banksia) |

Height 5m - 8m Spread 2m - 4m |
Banksia integrifolia subspecies compar is a shrub or small tree from east coast of Queensland. It produces spikes of yellow flowers that grows to 10 cm tall and about 5 cm in diameter. Flowers are followed by woody cones that remain on the plant for... Read more > |
Banksia integrifolia ssp integrifolia (Coast Banksia) |

Height to 25m tall Spread to 3m |
Banksia integrifolia is a variable plant growing from a tall tree to 25 metres in height but can also be found as a small tree to five metres tall, or a large shrub in exposed areas. The plant is often upright when young, and at maturity may be less... Read more > |
Banksia integrifolia ssp monticola (White Mountain Banksia) |

Height 5m - 25m Spread 2m - 4m |
White Mountain Banksia (Banksia integrifolia subspecies monticola) is a shrub or small tree from the Blue Mountains region of New South Wales. Like other integrifolia subspecies, it produces spikes of yellow flowers that grows to 10 cm tall and... Read more > |
Banksia laevigata ssp fuscolutea (Golden Ball Banksia) |

Height 2m Spread 2m |
The Golden Ball Banksia is a bushy shrub growing to two metres tall. It has grey bark. It has long narrow leaves with sharp saw toothed margins. It produces golden yellow ball-shaped clusters of flowers in autumn. There are two subspecies of B.... Read more > |
Banksia laevigata ssp laevigata (Tennis Ball Banksia) |

Height 2m - 3m Spread 2m - 3m |
The Tennis Ball Banksia is a bushy shrub growing to three metres tall. It has grey bark. The leaves have serrated edges. It produces greenish yellow ball-shaped clusters of flowers in autumn and early summer (October to December). There are two... Read more > |
Banksia lanata (Coomallo Banksia) |

Height 0.3m - 1m Spread 0.5m - 2m |
The Coomallo Banksia is a dense spreading shrub that grows to about one metre in height. The leaves are linear and very narrow (only 1 mm wide) and grow from 3 cm to 10 cm in length. Ball-shaped clusters of pale cream or less commonly orange-brown... Read more > |
Banksia laricina (Rose-fruited Banksia) |

Height 1m - 2m Spread 1m - 3m |
The Rose-fruited Banksia is a dense shrub growing to about two metres in height. The leaves are narrow growing to 15mm long and just under 1mm wide. The species name laricina is derived from larix (larch), as its leaves resemble the conifer needles... Read more > |
Banksia lemanniana (Yellow Lantern Banksia) |

Height 2m - 5m Spread 2m - 4m |
The Yellow Lantern Banksia is an open shrub or small tree growing to about five metres tall. The leaves grow to about 9 cm long and about 3 cm broad and are elliptical with serrated edges. The teeth on the leaf margins are about 1 mm to 3 mm deep.... Read more > |
Banksia leptophylla var leptophylla (Slender-leaved Banksia) |

Height 2m Spread 3m |
The Slender-leaved Banksia is a shrub growing to about two metres tall. the leaves are long and slender growing to about 10cm long and 1mm to 1.5mm wide. It produces yellow ball-shaped clusters of flowers in summer, autumn and winter. the flower... Read more > |
Banksia lindleyana (Porcupine Banksia) |

Height 1m - 3m Spread 2m - 4m |
The Porcupine Banksia is a shrub with grey bark growing to about three metres, but often seen as a low shrub to one metre tall. New branches are covered with hairs which come off as the branch matures. The leaves are long and narrow growing to about... Read more > |
Banksia littoralis (Swamp Banksia) |

Height 5m - 15m Spread 3m - 10m |
The Swamp Banksia is tree or large shrub with rough grey bark growing to about 15m tall. The leaves are long and narrow, growing to 20cm in length, with widely spaced toothed lobes becoming closer together towards the leaf tip.. It produces... Read more > |
Banksia lullfitzii |

Height 1m - 2m Spread 1.5m - 2m |
Banksia lullfitzii is a spreading shrub growing to two metres in height. the plant is named after Frederick Lullfitz, but has does not appear to have a well known common name. It has long narrow deeply serrated leaves that grow to from 20 cm to... Read more > |
Banksia marginata (Silver Banksia) |

Height 2m - 10m Spread 0.5m - 5m |
The Silver Banksia is quite variable in form and can grow as a tree to 10 metres tall, but is often seen as a medium sized shrub. The leaves are fairly narrow and grow to about 6 cm in length. Young leaves are toothed, but become smooth edged as... Read more > |
Banksia media (Golden Stalk Banksia) |

Height 2m - 6m Spread 3m - 5m |
The Golden Stalk Banksia is a dense shrub to four metres or tree growing to about six metres in height. It has wedge shaped leaves with toothed margins. It produces cylindrical spikes of yellowish brown flowers which grow to about 15 cm tall and 9... Read more > |
Banksia menziesii (Menzies' Banksia) |

Height 2m - 10m Spread 2m - 8m |
Menzies' Banksia is a tree to ten metres tall or a spreading shrub to three metres tall. The leaves are elongated oval in shape with serrated margins and grow to about 25 cm long and 4 cm wide. New growth has a fur of brown hairs. It produces... Read more > |
Banksia nutans var nutans (Nodding Banksia) |

Height 0.5m - 1.5m Spread 1m - 3m |
The Nodding Banksia is a spreading shrub growing to about a metre tall. The leaves are blue green and very narrow growing to about 1 mm to 1.5mm wide. The flowers grow in pink red or reddish brown clusters in spring and summer. The flower clusters... Read more > |
Banksia oblongifolia (Fern-leaved Banksia) |

Height 0.1m - 3m Spread 1m - 2m |
The Fern-leaved Banksia is a shrub growing to about three metres in height. The stiff egg-shaped oval leaves sometimes have blunt tips and leaf margins are serrated towards the tips. It produces cylindrical clusters of lemon yellow bottlebrush... Read more > |
Banksia occidentalis (Red Swamp Banksia) |

Height 3m - 7m Spread 2m - 5m |
The Red Swamp Banksia is a shrub growing to around two metres or small tree growing to seven metres tall. It has smooth greyish brown bark. The leaves are long and narrow growing to about 12 cm in length and 3 mm wide. It produces cylindrical... Read more > |