Australian Native Plants - Amaranths
Dysphania littoralis (Red crumbweed) |

Red crumbweed is a small, prostrate annual. It is many stemmed, and grows in a mat up to 30 cm wide and to a height of 5-10 cm. The plant's leaves are alternate and elliptic, and are 5-10 mm long. White, inconspicuous flowers grow on stems between... Read more > |
Enchylaena tomentosa (Ruby Saltbush) |

Ruby Saltbush is.a semi-woody, low-growing shrub that can grow up to 1 m tall. Its leaves are grey/green (changing to red during dry periods), circular to D-shaped in cross-section, semi-succulent and grow up to 2 cm long. The plant's stems... Read more > |
Maireana brevifolia (Small-leaved Blue-bush) |

The Small-leaved Blue-bush is a shrub to about 1 m high, with slender often reddish branches which are sparsely woolly, with tufts of wool in the leaf axils. Leaves alternate, scattered, fleshy, obovoid to almost threadlike, 2 - 5 mm long, narrowing... Read more > |
Ptilotus obovatus (Silver-tails) |

Height 1m Spread 1m |
Silver-tails is a dense shrub or sub-shrub growing to one metre tall. The leaves are elliptical and grow to about 4cm long and 2 cm wide. It produces round clusters of pink tipped white flowers in winter, spring and summer, although flowering period... Read more > |
Rhagodia candolleana (Seaberry Saltbush) |

The Seaberry Saltbush is a sprawling shrub to 4 m high with thin to somewhat fleshy oblong to broadly ovate or hastate (lobes near the base) leaves to 30 mm long and 20 mm wide, on short stalks. Upper leaf surface smooth and shining green, lower... Read more > |
Rhagodia spinescens (Thorny Saltbush) |

The Thorny Saltbush is perennial shrub, with rigid branches to 1.5 m high, the older branchlets often ending in a spine. Leaves mealy-white or greenish, 5 - 10 mm long, oblong to almost round, sometimes lobed at base, tapering into a conspicuous... Read more > |
Salsola australis (Prickly Saltwort) |

This prickly perennial shrub grows up to 1 m tall. The plant's leaves are alternate, narrow, linear, cylindrical with sharp pointed ends, and are usually less than 1 cm long. Its flowers are white with a tinge of green, insignificant, solitary... Read more > |
Sarcocornia quinqueflora (Beaded Samphire) |

Height 0.1m - 0.5m Spread 0.5m |
Beaded Samphire is a perennial succulent or sub-shrub growing to about half a metre in height but often forms a low spreading groundcover. The fleshy stems are segmented into cylindrical or barrel-shaped segments and it has no leaves. Bead weed is... Read more > |
Suaeda australis (Seablite) |

Seablite is a small, woody, upright perennial herb that grows to 80 cm. Its leaves are succulent, cylindrical to D-shaped in cross-section, alternate and range in colour from green to purple. The leaves are around 5.5 cm long. The plant's flowers... Read more > |
Tecticornia arbuscula (Shrubby Glasswort) |

Height 0.3m - 2m |
Shrubby Glasswort is an upright or spreading coastal shrub growing to about two metres in height. The branches are brown with succulent branchlets made up of green segments that grow up to about 1 cm in length. The flowers are very small and white... Read more > |
Tecticornia indica (Glasswort) |

Tecticornia indica (Glasswort ) is a succulent plant that grows up to 1 m high. Glasswort leaves are barrel shaped (giving the appearance of being leafless) with a woody stem. Glasswort flowers (bisexual and inconspicuous) bloom from December to... Read more > |
Tecticornia pergranulata (Blackseed Samphire) |

Height 1m |
Blackseed Samphire is a dense succulent sub-shrub that grows to about one metre in height, but often less. The stems are woody and segmented without leaves, Branchlets are made of small bead shaped segments about 3mm long. The small flowers grow on... Read more > |